Over 20 businesses have been launched with your help in the past two years through your support of YEA! The Young Entrepreneurs Academy, (YEA!) takes students in grades six through twelve through the process of starting and running real businesses over the course of a full academic year. Students work in close cooperation with local…
The June Quarterly Membership Luncheon is still over six weeks away but if you are a business that has expanded don’t wait till then to tell us about it! We’d love to hear about it now so we can prepare your “hammer of economic progress” award and insure that the date is on your calendar to…
Sponsorship of Chamber events and activities is not a donation, it is an investment. We know that sometimes dollars are tight and that the Chamber needs to insure that our sponsors see a return on that investment by being duly recognized in Chamber publications, online via our Facebook page and during and after the event….
That is where you will find brochures from our many members because membership has its privileges! Yes, we all spend a lot of time on our smart phones and our portable devices but you would be surprised how often people enter the Chamber lobby and head over to our brochure racks. These are a combination…
Get to know your fellow business neighbors! The Chamber is hosting a New Member Showcase on Thursday, July 16th from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the Holiday Inn and Suites Airport, sponsored by Telluride Ski & Golf Resort, The Peaks Resort and Spa and the Hotel Telluride. All of the businesses that have joined the…
This guide is designed to present voters with a business perspective on a number of upcoming ballot measures and provides a brief introduction to the candidates for this year’s Grand Junction City Council election. Each candidate was asked to complete a questionnaire related to issues important to the business community, and their responses are provided…
Join us at the Chamber’s next Energy Briefing as we hear a summary of the National Renewable Energy Lab’s role and updates on the current focus for their research and development for their core technologies. April 8, 2015 12:00 Noon Holiday Inn & Suites 2751 Crossroads Blvd. Cost: $15/GJACC Members Register: Online: www.gjchamber.org PH: 970-242-3214…
In the first 90 days of 2015 the Chamber was focused on business plan goals for the organization and made progress on many of them. Here are some highlights: The Future Workforce Committee played a pivotal role in matching an existing workforce need with training and employment resources to train job seekers in basic CNC…
It is incredible to me that one fourth of my year as Chairman is already in the past. Wow! So…what have we done in the past 90 days besides have one heck of a great time at the Annual Banquet? For me one of the highlights has to be sitting on the recent investor panel…
Time spent learning translates into a better prepared workforce and the Mesa County Business Education Foundation (MCBEF) is committed to helping identify and support community initiatives that offer opportunities for learning outside the classroom and/or on the job. With that in mind, the foundation has teamed with other community organizations to offer a unique opportunity…