The Chamber Board adopted a new guiding principle in April to reflect our organization’s long-term commitment to CMU 20,000, an effort to rally 5,000 community supporters around growing Colorado Mesa University to 15,000 students. With an economic impact of over $450 million annually, today CMU could be even more impactful as it grows by strengthening the overall economy and serving as a stable economic force. But it isn’t just about economic growth, CMU offers a plethora of learning opportunities, sporting events and fine arts performances to the community that enhances our quality of life and makes us more attractive to young professionals.
A brainstorming session in May has already led to positive steps toward this long-term goal. As Chamber members, you can be part of this effort. First, make sure you are registered on the website.
Then consider joining one of the four subcommittees dedicated to developing priorities and leading projects. They are:
Community visibility. We need to look like a college town: How do we make it easier for people and business to show that they are “Mavocates”? What can be done around town to visually support the University? (Sample ideas: entrance signs, renaming streets, pennants in windows, CMU gear at numerous retail outlets)
Community engagement. The purpose of this group is to get the people of Mesa County more actively involved with University students and activities. This can be art, culture or sporting events. This is also how the University can support the community (Sample ideas: having CMU students as tutors for D51 students, enhance internship opportunities, community days on campus)
Government engagement. The community needs to let City, County and State government know how important the University is to their constituents. The goal of this group is to actively engage with government to support initiatives that support the University from funding to planning. (Sample ideas: engage with CCHE when they are on campus this summer, support CMU request for funding to buy property)
Student recruitment. How can we help the University hit the goal of 15K students? Once kids visit the campus the success rate of converting to students is very high so what can we do to help make that happen? (Sample ideas: potential student visits the campus and gets a ski pass, working to improve the rate of D51 students graduating and pursuing post-secondary education, scholarship fund to help get students and families here, using our own network to help recruit both local and non-local)
With Co-Chairs from CMU and the Chamber, each committee will meet and determine a set of priorities this summer with projects set to begin in the fall and report back to the community on the progress we’ve made slated for year end.
Click here to download full version of the Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce June 2017 Newsletter.