It is back to school time not just for students in August but also for our CMU 20,000 initiative. Join us for a light breakfast and learn about all of the progress that has been made in providing college level access for high school students in District 51 on Wednesday, August 22nd, 7:30 AM…
Just as many of you take the time at year end to analyze your business and plan for improvements in the new year, the Chamber Board of Directors did a deep dive based on member feed back of what we do well, what we need to do better and how to offer real value for the investment you…
“Mav” up your business for the entire month of October in support of “Mav” Month. Here is how; Decorate your office, restaurant, lobby etc. and be sure to enter into the Community Spirit Contest at www.coloradomesa.edu/homecoming. The CMU Alumni Association is providing spirit kits to help you decorate, so be sure to register for the…
An aspect of our CMU 20,000 effort to grow enrollment and grow community support is to increase the positive interaction between students and businesses. Last month, with that in mind we solicited Chamber member businesses to provide discounts that we could share with students when they return to campus. This month we are asking for…
The CMU20,000 initiative (15,000 students and 5,000 community supporters) is kicking off a second year of strengthening our workforce and economic development efforts by supporting Colorado Mesa University and Western Colorado Community College. Building on the success of a campaign last year to make students feel welcomed by the community, the Chamber is inviting area…
It is hard to believe that the CMU 20,000 initiative celebrated its one-year anniversary last month. The long-term commitment of this Chamber to rally 5,000 community supporters around growing Colorado Mesa University to 15,000 students is alive and well. Progress has been made on many fronts, often out of the spotlight for our members and…
It was approximately one year ago this month that the Chamber Board of Directors strengthened their commitment to CMU by modifying the Chamber’s guiding principles to include the following; The Success of Colorado Mesa University is Key to Economic Development: The continued growth and development of Colorado Mesa University outlined in the “CMU 20,000 Campaign”…
Building a Stronger Economy in 2017 As the calendar and Chamber year come to a close in the next 30 days, it is time for a look back at how this Chamber advocated for business and a stronger local economy in 2017. Shown below are some of the notable accomplishments the organization was able to…
So Thanksgiving arrives this month. While this may sound corny, I am thankful to have had the chance to serve as the Chairman of the Chamber Board and for the opportunity to get to know so many of you. Over the course of the year, I’ve seen this Chamber in action as a catalyst for…
The CMU 20000 initiative to achieve a university enrollment of 15,000 student and a community of 5,000 supporters continues to gain momentum and supporters. During the month of September, a presentation on the initiative was presented to two Rotary Clubs and all subcommittees met. The Visibility Committee, which distributed over 1000 “We are CMU”…