Nominations are being sought for recipients of the Excellence in Entrepreneurship award to be presented at CMU’s E-Day on April 23rd, 2015. The purpose of this award is to promote and recognize successful entrepreneurs and their contribution to the economic development of this region.
We understand your knowledge of entrepreneurs in our region and ask that you consider submitting a nominee for our review. Nominations are held in strict confidence with only the selected winner being notified of their consideration for this award. Minimum qualifications include individuals who:
Have either started a business or taken it to a significant new level;
Have experienced at least three years of successful operation;
Have contributed to the region’s economic development;
Exemplifies the spirit of entrepreneurial values.
We ask that you respond to each of the criterion in a letter to the EinE committee, which while anonymous, represents the region’s economic development agencies. Please send letters by March 13, 2015 to:
Dr. Tim Hatten
Department of Business Administration
Colorado Mesa University
Grand Junction, CO 81501