The Colorado General Assembly convenes on January 11th and the Chamber’s Governmental Affairs convenes their video conference series beginning January 17th. The venue has moved to the Chamber’s lower level conference room and all members in addition to our Governmental Affairs Committee are welcome to attend. Our thanks to the following sponsors of these sessions:…

In an effort to assist our members in accessing more timely and relevant information the Chamber is introducing a new small business education series and offering a Health Care Summit for business owners in early 2017. Sunrise Seminars, sponsored by Home Loan Insurance will feature ten 60-90-minute education sessions throughout the year on timely topics…

The Trump Administration has made it clear that energy development will be viewed more favorably than in the previous administration but what does that really mean for energy development in Western Colorado? Christopher Guith, senior vice president for policy at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Institute for 21st Century Energy (Energy Institute) will kick off the…

One of the most important things that any graduate of high school needs to learn is how to qualify for and succeed at their first job. In Grand Junction, we have many businesses that have what are considered entry level positions in their organizations. For these small business owners choosing their next employee without the…

Are you an employer who is regularly looking for ways to screen candidates for your open positions? Have you heard about the WorkKeys Assessment Tools?  These assessments are offered at no charge and can help you in your hiring decision making process. Over 70 businesses have helped the Workforce Center hit its benchmarks in order…

The Chamber announced on November 18th that the first Total Resource Campaign (TRC) undertaken by the organization surpassed the goal of $175,000 of commitments to help build a stronger Chamber of Commerce and fund programs to promote economic growth and stand up for business in 2017. “The TRC fundraising campaign is different from our normal…

The Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with School District 51, and the Mesa County Workforce Center, will be offering Hire Me First class at Western Colorado Community College, starting on January 4, 2017.  The class is designed to take high school students on a journey of career exploration, workplace skill development, and job place immersion…

The Chamber has been hosting a series of small meetings this fall with industry leaders in business services, IT, health care and advanced manufacturing to introduce them to a new statewide movement to introduce multi-year apprenticeships to high school students. Based on the Swiss model, these apprenticeships put students in workplace learning environments for several…

As a business owner, manager and decision maker your time is at a premium. Taking time to look above the stack of papers and problems to assess where your business is and where you want it to go often falls to the bottom of your “to do” list. Yet, for the good of your business…

Be sure to check out our new video series “Have a Voice,” in which businesses small and large inform the community on why they are members of the Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce. They detail their involvement in the Chamber, tell you what their return on investment in the Chamber is, and give a…

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