Over 10 weeks in the fall of 2022, Grand Junction Chamber Volunteers, Staff, and Board Members have worked tirelessly in an effort to secure support and funding for the proposed 2023 Grand Junction Chamber program calendar and mission. In December, their efforts culminated in the exciting announcement of not only reaching, but exceeding the goal…
Over the past 10 weeks, Grand Junction Chamber Volunteers, Staff, and Board Members have worked tirelessly in an effort to secure support and funding for the proposed 2022 Grand Junction Chamber program calendar and mission. Last week their efforts culminated in the exciting announcement of not only reaching, but exceeding the goal of $250,000! The…
In September, the Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce launched our annual fundraising campaign, the 2020 Total Resource Campaign. With the help of an outstanding group of volunteers, this campaign was centered around efficiently raising the money needed for continuing the Chamber’s mission of “being the voice of business” while also supporting the programs and…
The Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce the successful completion of our Creating a Bright Future Total Resource Campaign with more than $298,000 raised as of November 30, 2019. This annual fundraising and membership campaign was established to support future Chamber programming while offering businesses an opportunity to maximize sponsorship dollars…
The Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce another successful Creating a Bright Future Campaign with more than $250,000 raised as of November 30, 2018. Started in 2016, this annual fundraising and membership campaign was established to support future Chamber operations, events, programs and initiatives for the business community. For 10 weeks…
From now through November 14th, more than 50 volunteers are tasked with raising $240,000 to fund quality programming, advocacy, business retention and expansion, and workforce development. To reach this goal, volunteers will be raising funds in several different ways which include memberships, event sponsorships, and initiatives. We would like to thank the following companies who…
The Grand Junction Area Chamber launched the third annual Creating a Bright Future! Campaign, on September 10. The Creating a Bright Future! 2018 Campaign will provide the Grand Junction area with a properly funded chamber of commerce capable of accomplishing key initiatives in the community. The Chamber is dedicated to workforce development, sound public policy,…
Year three of the Grand Junction Chamber’s Total Resource Campaign (TRC) will kick off in early September and we hope you will be part of it! The concept is simple. Major initiatives and sponsorship opportunities for 2019 will be presented to members and potential members over a ten-week period by an elite group of chamber…
Been by the Chamber offices lately? Noticed anything different? Our new digital sign is up and broadcasting to the world what we are doing. Yes, we are putting our messages up in lights thanks to two Chamber members who assisted us with the purchase and installation of our 21stcentury message board. Bud’s Signs & Neon…
The End of 2017—Already?! Time flies, doesn’t it? The 18th century Irish novelist Laurence Stern once wrote that “Time wastes too fast: every letter I trace tells me with what rapidity life follows my pen. The days and hours of it are flying over our heads like clouds of a windy day never to return…