JUCO’s impact on our business community is undeniable.

JUCO’s impact on our business community is undeniable.

Dear Valued Investors,

As a proud founding stakeholder in bringing the Junior College World Series to Grand Junction in 1959, the Grand Junction Area Chamber is reflecting on the rich history and significant impact this tournament has had on our community. Since its inception, the Junior College World Series has grown into a premier event, featuring 19 thrilling games played over eight days, welcoming nearly 10,000 fans per game. This event not only showcases top-tier athletic talent but also serves as a significant economic driver for our community.

The Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce estimates that the tournament brings an economic impact of $2.8 million to our region. This impressive figure stems from a formula that calculates each team’s spending at $92,000 over the tournament’s duration, amounting to a total of $800,000. This number is then multiplied by three to account for the influx of guests who come to support their teams, scout players, or simply enjoy the event.
As a business community, it is crucial that we strive to create a welcoming and grateful atmosphere for the visitors who contribute to this vital revenue stream. The final week of May, marked by the Junior College World Series, stands out as a top revenue generator for Grand Junction, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure that all guests have an exceptional experience.

Here are ways YOU can support this important community asset:

Volunteer: Much of what you see during the week of games and festivities is driven by countless volunteers from across our community. This is a great way to enjoy the games and give back! The Grand Junction Chamber along with partners at the Fruita Chamber, Palisade Chamber, Latino Chamber, and YPN are coordinating efforts to assist with games on May 29th. Explore available times and sign up here.  

Show Your Spirit!: Do your part to help welcome family and fans into the Valley! Make sure your signs welcome players and fans, offer special themed menu options, promote discounts if they show proof of tickets, and be sure to THANK guests for visiting and supporting our great community! Special commemorative posters you can display to show your JUCO spirit are available at the Chamber offices and can be picked up during normal business hours.

We encourage all businesses to embrace this opportunity, offering special promotions, extended hours, and outstanding customer service to make our visitors feel appreciated and valued. Let us work together to showcase the best of what Grand Junction has to offer, ensuring that the Junior College World Series remains a beloved and economically beneficial tradition for years to come.

Thank you for your continued support and commitment to our community. Together, we can create an unforgettable experience for all who attend the Junior College World Series, strengthening our local economy and reinforcing Grand Junction’s reputation as a premier destination.
Warm regards,

Candace Carnahan

President & CEO

Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce


360 Grand Avenue | Grand Junction, Colorado | (970) 242-3214
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