SLN LogoSave Local Now ( is a website, iPhone and Android app that gives people access to exclusive offers from their favorite businesses. It is available to all Grand Junction Area Chamber members at no cost. Locals, fellow business owners and tourists alike can use Save Local Now to access deals, events and savings where they shop, eat and play from any browser on any device. Saving money and buying local in the Grand Valley has never been easier.

Chamber members can use Save Local Now to create, manage and analyze their digital marketing campaigns. Save Local Now includes live business listings, deal and event publishing, email marketing, iPhone and Android apps, social media management, SEO and analytics, bundled together on a single integrated platform.

The Save Local Now platform is available at, the App Store and Google Play. Members of the Chamber are eligible to create unlimited digital marketing campaigns using the Save Local Now platform without further investment in the Chamber. You will be receiving an activation email and instructions this month. Schedule your FREE 30-minute session with Save Local Now’s digital marketing gurus today!

Click here to download the Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce July 2015 Newsletter.

360 Grand Avenue | Grand Junction, Colorado | (970) 242-3214
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