West Slope Works is a Work-Based Learning Incentive (WBLI) Program made possible through Colorado Senate Bill 22-140. This program is focused on increasing and expanding the number of work-based learning opportunities available to youth and adults across Western Colorado by providing monetary incentives (reimbursements) to employers to create new or enhance existing work-based learning programs.

What is Work-Based Learning?

Work-based learning is an educational approach that emphasizes practical, hands-on experience in a professional work setting as a means of complementing traditional classroom-based instruction. This type of learning can take many forms, such as internships, apprenticeships, on-the-job training, or job shadowing, and can occur at various stages of a person’s education and career development. The ultimate goal of work-based learning is to provide learners with relevant, real-world experience that prepares them for success in the workforce.

Why do Work-Based Learning?

Work-based learning is beneficial for businesses because it helps build a talent pipeline by exposing new talent to your work. This can also support future productivity and profitability by developing potential employees’ skills and fosters a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.

Getting Started

Review the following resources to navigate ways to provide WBL and eligibility for this grant program.

State of Colorado’s definitions of Quality Expectations of WBL activities
Official checklist of reimbursable activities for West Slope Works
Examples of West Slope Works reimbursement

Click Here for West Slope Works Application

For the purposes of the WBLI program, creating a new or enhancing an existing work-based learning program includes but is not limited to:

  • Developing a work-based learning program at a business for the first time.
  • Starting a new Incumbent Worker program.
  • Restarting a dormant work-based learning program at a business.
  • Increasing the complexity and/or employer time commitment of an existing program. For example, if a business that regularly attends career fairs or hosts job shadows begins an Internship program.
  • Recruiting and placing non-traditional participants in an existing program. For example, a business that regularly offers work-based learning to Adults enhances their program to also offer opportunities to Youth. This does not include expanding recruitment efforts to Target Populations alone.
  • Making significant changes to an existing program to meet the Work-Based Learning Quality Expectations.
  • Expanding the variety of work-based learning opportunities available at a business. For example, a business that regularly hosts interns for shipping and receiving expands to also offer internship opportunities in their administrative office.
  • Expanding the number of participants doing similar work-based learning, hosted concurrently. CDLE recommends employers design programs that take advantage of having a group of concurrent participants as part of the expansion of an existing work-based learning program.
    Qualifying businesses would need to accomplish at least one of the following outcomes by the end of the grant period.


How do I apply?

Please complete the West Slope Works application (COMING SOON!). You will be notified via email of your acceptance into the program. Once accepted, you must sign an agreement with more details to guide you through eligible expenses and onboarding material. The Grand Junction Area Chamber team is committed to your success and will be available to answer any questions and support you as you navigate defining your work-based learning goals and reimbursement requests. Unfortunately, funds are limited to $180,000 in total disbursements and will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.

I don’t have any programs like this at my company but I’m interested! How do I learn more about the eligible activities?

We understand that employers may be starting at different points and this grant meets you where you are by offering incentives for the design and placement of participants in your program. As noted above, the activity types and opportunities vary in time commitment and scope. The official checklist of reimbursable activities for this program is linked here. Please also review the State of Colorado’s definitions of Quality Expectations of Work-Based Learning activities linked here.

How do I get reimbursed?

Reporting and other proof of activity documentation will be collected on a monthly basis as defined in your agreement. Reimbursements are made by electronic deposit.

What if I end up changing direction?

Funds are limited for this program. If you decide to not participate or reduce your planned activities, you must advise the Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce staff. You will receive reminders to submit your monthly reporting for reimbursement. Lack of response over time will be deemed as deactivation from the program.

What if I provide WBL beyond May 31, 2025?

Excellent! Keep going! Approved activities through May 31, 2025 are reimbursable for this program.