Last week, the inaugural Mesa County Workforce Summit convened local partners and business leaders to address the most presssing issues employers face across our Valley through shared education and exploration. Covering topics including retention, recruitment, benefits, upskilling and talent cultivation, the Summit showcased the active collaborative efforts, resources and opportunities available that can offer solutions…

As we embark on another legislative session shaping the business landscape in our beautiful state of Colorado, the Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce remains steadfast in our commitment to champion the interests of our local business community. In the fast-paced 120 days of decision-making, it is imperative that we, as a collective voice for…

THERE’S A NEW SHERIFF IN TOWN: CDLE RELEASES COMPS #39 Another year, another COMPS (i.e., Colorado Overtime and Minimum Pay Standards) Order. The minimum wage is now identified as $14.42 per hour. The salary-threshold amount for exempt employees is set at $55,000.00. Next year, that amount will be adjusted based on Colorado inflation. Despite there…