Last week, the inaugural Mesa County Workforce Summit convened local partners and business leaders to address the most presssing issues employers face across our Valley through shared education and exploration. Covering topics including retention, recruitment, benefits, upskilling and talent cultivation, the Summit showcased the active collaborative efforts, resources and opportunities available that can offer solutions to our area employers.
The Grand Junction Chamber joined strategic partners to highlight local resources and programs working collectively to empower businesses in Mesa County. The Chamber’s Workforce Development Manager, David Proctor, shared his insights during the Employers’ Guide to Workforce Develoment session alongside reperesentatives from the Mesa County Workforce Center, Colorado Mesa University, Fruita Area Chamber of Commerce and Grand Junction Economic Partnership. During the session, David highlighted some of the Chamber’s programs, including West Slope Works and CareerWise, that are supporting Mesa County employers by offsetting barriers to access, train and retain talent.
Launched in 2023, West Slope Works is increasing and expanding work-based learning opportunities available across the Western Slope by providing monetary incentives to employers to create new or enhance existing work-based learning programs. From job shadowing and worksite tours to internships and incumbent worker training, West Slope Works can offer support to an array of employer programs designed to learn about work, learn through work and learn at work.
The Chamber also works in collaboration with various partners to increase work experience opportunities in Mesa County. A partnership with the Chamber, CareerWise Colorado and Mesa County Valley School District 51 is cultivating a sustainable and robust local talent pipeline by supporting apprenticeship opportunities for employers and high school students. Through this program, the Chamber provides monetary incentives to employers to establish apprenticeship programs, and in turn, develop skilled employees who generate return on investment.
At the Chamber, we prioritize workforce development as a fundamental pillar of our economic prosperity, recognizing that our resources and those of our strategic partners are cementing a strong, collective pathway for the future. For more information about the Chamber’s workforce development efforts and how employers can apply for these resources, contact David Proctor at [email protected].