Recently, 267 individuals responded to a Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce Membership Survey conducted independently for the Chamber by the Western Association of Chamber Executives Association. The Association is able to benchmark the Grand Junction Chamber results to those of other Chambers completing the survey in 14 states which aids the local organization in…
Over the past several weeks a dedicated group of volunteers and businesses that see the value of the Chamber initiatives, programming and events have been collaborating in securing underwriting support for everything from a State of the Valley luncheon to growing the talent pipeline. Already 2018 is shaping up to be a robust year for…
Those of you that have read my column before may remember that I sometimes need a nudge from the Chamber staff reminding me that I need to write the next Chairman’s Column and, unfortunately, they had to do it again today. But unlike previous months where we talk about what the topic should be, this…
The second quarter of the year from April through June is traditionally one of our most active periods in terms of serving our members and making progress on our annual business plan. Shown below are just a few of our accomplishments: Led the community effort to celebrate Economic Development Week in coordination with our economic…
As many as 15 to 17 ballot issues will be voted on in Colorado this fall and many of them will have adverse impacts on businesses and the business climate. Conversely there are some ballot measures aimed at stemming this ballot overload which has resulted in our state constitution being more than double the length…
The lawsuit filed by the Grand Junction Area Chamber and Mesa County challenging the legality of a new annual fee assessment by the Grand Valley Drainage District is now in the hands of District Court. Briefs have been filed by all parties to the original complaint, as well, as the request for an injunction. We…
Middle and high school students with a passion for ideas and a desire to augment their education with some real life skills would make excellent candidates for the Chamber Young Entrepreneurs Academy! Recruitment for the next class which begins the end of September is now in full swing and applications will only be accepted through…
At the June 21st Quarterly Membership Luncheon, the Grand Junction Chamber presented the “Hammer Award” to the following companies for expanding their facilities, adding jobs and building a stronger economy: Hammer of Progress Recipients: Chris Thomas – Community Hospital, Anissa Wright & Cheri Trout – Redrock Radio, Justin Menge – Alpine Bank, Stewart Cruickshank –…
Mesa County Libraries has ReferenceUSA, the premier online research and reference tool for area business professionals, sales reps, marketing professionals, entrepreneurs, government agencies, students and researchers. It allows anyone to get fast and easy access to details on more than 43 million U.S. businesses and more than 260 million U.S. residents. Information includes;…
Got an hour a week for eight weeks that you could donate to a child with the potential for life changing results? That is all it takes to be part of the Read with a Child program. Conducted by School District 51 and sponsored by the Mesa County Business Education Foundation, Read with a Child…