The Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce is currently looking for middle and high school students who have a passion for ideas and creativity, for the Young Entrepreneurs Academy, (YEA!). The program is entering its seventh year, after helping over 70 students launch their own businesses. YEA! is a 28-week academic program, meeting from early…

In September 2019, 22 up-and-coming leaders in our business community made the commitment to attend and complete our annual Mesa County Leadership Program. Consisting of 1 full-day class each month for the next 10 months, these participants learned details about our community including how we get our water, how our local government is setup, and…

The Chamber, in close collaboration with the Mesa County Enterprise Zone, applied for and received approval for a new COVID-19 related small business grant program that will be funded through donations. Those donating will be eligible for State of Colorado tax credits through the Enterprise Zone. Under those rules, for all cash donations the tax…

At the 2019 YEA! Investor Panel held on March 27th Toly Chinn, CEO of Colorado Bike Armor (COBA) was named the 2019 Grand Junction Area Chamber’s Saunders’s Scholar. Toly and his family will be attending the Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!) Semi-Final Competition in Rochester, NY the first week of May to compete for up to…
In today’s tight labor market, unfortunately businesses have positions going unfilled for months at a time as hiring managers across a wide spectrum of industry are finding that traditional methods of recruiting skilled talent have become pricey and unsustainable. As a result, an old idea is becoming new once again: apprenticeship is taking root across…
What is the Chamber good for? We often get asked that question by businesses contemplating becoming members. Primary research conducted at the direction of the Western Association of Chamber Executives several years ago demonstrated that businesses look to their local chambers of commerce to engage in five key areas aimed at helping their individual businesses…
In 2019 the Chamber will have several committees to do the work outlined in the 2019 Business Plan. Any employee of a Chamber member is welcome to serve on committees that are accepting new members. Shown below are the In 2019 the Chamber will have several committees to do the work outlined in the 2019…
The Colorado General Assembly convenes on January 11th and the Chamber is gearing up to be the voice of business at the State Capitol in 2019. Our videoconference series which offers real time opportunities to discuss issues with our state delegation begins January 15th and will be held at the Chamber offices in the lower…
According to Dr. Richard Wobbekind, head of the Business Research Division in the Leeds School of Business, Colorado University, “The Mesa County economy is performing extremely well.” Insights into why the economy is stronger and what the economy may look like in 2019 were presented at the Chamber’s Annual Economic Outlook luncheon in December. With…
As a business owner, manager, decision maker your time is at a premium. Taking time to look above the stack of papers and problems to assess where your business is and where you want it to go often falls to the bottom of your “to do” list. One of the benefits of belonging to the…