As expected, the second half of the year is ramping up rather quickly and the Chamber staff and board are hard at work. This year seems to be busier than normal with it being an election year and all the ballot measures, the Grand Valley Drainage District (GVDD) lawsuit and our first ever Total Resource…

The Chamber and Mesa County filed a complaint and a request for an injunction against the Grand Valley Drainage District earlier this year in response to their invoicing members a “fee” that put an inordinate burden on the business community. The basis for the suit is to get clarity as to whether this is a…

In spite of objections raised by members of the business community nationwide including this Chamber, the U.S. Department of Labor finalized updated overtime rules in May and all businesses will be expected to comply beginning December 1, 2016. While key provisions are shown below there are still a lot of questions about how to apply…

The Nominating Committee of the Chamber Board of Directors is currently in the process of selecting a slate of new proposed directors to present to the membership and current Chamber Board for approval. There are seven slots on the Board currently up for election this fall. Five of those selected will represent a cross section…

The Chamber Board of Directors took action this month to oppose the $12 per hour minimum wage ballot initiative which turned in over 200,000 signatures to the Secretary of State’s office last week. The measure proposed to raise the minimum wage 90 cents on January 1, 2017 and ratchet up to $12 by January 1,…

After a summer recess, the Chamber’s Energy Briefing series resumes on August 10th, 12:00 PM at the Mesa County Workforce Center. Kathleen Sgamma, Western Energy Alliance will present a program, “Federal Overreach and the Keep-It-in-the-Ground Movement”. Even as commodity prices begin to rise there are additional actions on a number of fronts that may inhibit…

Applications are now being accepted for the Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!). For those that would like more information, the Chamber is hosting a Pizza Party/Information Session for students and parents on Thursday, August 18th, from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM in the Chamber Board Room, at 360 Grand Avenue. The Young Entrepreneurs Academy is an…

It was just one month ago that we celebrated the graduation of the 2015-2016 Mesa County Leadership participants, but planning was already underway even then for the next class in this popular program. Started almost 25 years ago the Mesa County Leadership Program offers those interested in “giving back” to the community by providing leadership…

The Chamber’s Quarterly Luncheon, sponsored by ANB Bank, on September 19th, 12:00 PM at Grand Vista Hotel will focus on the upcoming election and feature local candidates running for office. Two of the three seats on the Mesa County Board of Commissioners are up for grabs along with several other key positions. The Chamber will…

The Chamber absolutely LOVES to spread positive economic news and celebrate business accomplishments.  That is why we are asking you to tell us about any recent business expansions you’ve had in terms of increased employment or capital expenditures.  In exchange for you telling us about your business expansion, we will buy you lunch at our…

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