Advocacy can take many forms from lobbying on proposed legislation to participating to in federal/state rulemaking processes to working to generally improve the overall business climate. An advocacy effort that the Grand Junction Chamber engaged in long before supply chain issues hit the news nationally, was the ability of our businesses to effectively get freight…

Enough “Clues” have been left about our Annual Chamber Banquet… the 2022 Annual Banquet is Your CLUE to Business Success. Join us at this mysterious and fun event on Friday, March 4, 2022 at the Grand Junction Convention Center! With a “killer” karaoke setup, thrilling silent and live auction sure to keep you on the…

The mission of the Grand Junction Area Chamber is to promote economic growth and represent business. To achieve this, we operate under the following guiding principles: • A Healthy Business Climate Creates a Sustainable Community • Representing and Advocating for Business is a Member Expectation • Professional Connections & Networking Opportunities Build Business • Quality…

Might as well get this out of the way in the first column: I’m an engineer, which pretty much means you should downgrade your expectations for eloquent speaking at the upcoming 2022 membership meetings. Hopefully you will know what you are in for. That is the bad news. The good news is that I am…

Over the past 10 weeks, Grand Junction Chamber Volunteers, Staff, and Board Members have worked tirelessly in an effort to secure support and funding for the proposed 2022 Grand Junction Chamber program calendar and mission. Last week their efforts culminated in the exciting announcement of not only reaching, but exceeding the goal of $250,000! The…

Every business joined the Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce for different reasons. You could have been looking for networking opportunities or you could have wanted to be part of our numerous committees. Whatever your reason for joining the Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce; here are a few benefits you can enjoy no matter…

Each fall the Chamber’s Governmental Affairs Committee carefully reviews and revises legislative guidelines that are then recommended to the Chamber Board in December for formal action. Once approved by the board the Governmental Affairs Committee can take action on proposed bills if they fall within those guidelines. While the Chamber has always had guidelines on…
Take a moment and reach out to say hello to these fellow local businesses. All Phase Electric 2776 Crossroads Blvd Grand Junction, CO 81506-8710 Jason Busch – (970) 245-5600 https://apgj.portalced.com Electrical Equipment & Supplies Alpine Navigation 3070 I-70 Business Loop, Ste B1 Grand Junction, CO 81504-4446 Deb Lund – (970) 236-2307 www.alpinenav.com Construction: Specialty Arbonne…