At the July Board of Directors meeting the Chamber passed a resolution in support of the lodging tax increase being proposed by the City of Grand Junction on the November ballot. Shown below is the full resolution adopted: Whereas the City of Grand Junction convened a working group of stakeholders in early 2017 to…
September is national Workforce Month and to celebrate, workforce partners throughout Mesa County will be hosting a Workforce Week. Kicking off Wednesday, September 5th with the Career Fair at Colorado Mesa University, Workforce Week will highlight the innovative workforce development programs throughout Mesa County that are the result of the collaborative efforts of the Mesa…
Another election? Didn’t we just have one? The answer is YES. However, we have another election day, November 6th, on the horizon with some significant races in the offing that will impact business along with several local and statewide ballot measures. All three of our state legislators and one of our three county commissioners will…
The Chamber recently launched a short (six questions) survey about internships and how our members are or are not utilizing them. The purpose of the survey is to determine better ways to connect businesses and students in a workplace environment that will benefit both groups. The survey closing date is August 6th and we…
As U.S. coal production declines due to the rise of natural gas and alternative energies, the question remains: What will happen to those communities of coal workers? The answer may lie in a derivative of coal called “pitch,” which can be used to produce a carbon-fiber material utilized in items from skis to automobile…
Welcome New Members The Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce is delighted to introduce our newest members. Please welcome them by visiting their website, sending them an email or stopping by to introduce yourself. Would you like to see your business featured on this page? Contact Trisha Martinez at [email protected] or click here to complete…
Through our extensive efforts on identifying the needs and problems our local businesses face, we are able to adapt assistance strategies while supporting very specific needs. These efforts are paying big dividends for our business community and citizen partners. Over 80 visits have been conducted to date in 2018 with assistance projects ranging from connection…
A golf tournament may sound like just a great networking opportunity on a Friday in late September when the weather is spectacular but you can also use it to promote your business! Where else can you put your business brand/name in front of 200 business professionals from around the Grand Valley during a time when…
2018 is officially half over and the Chamber is proud of the work it has done on behalf of its members and the business community. Be sure to check out our infographic shown below for a snapshot, quantitatively, of what we do on your behalf. Shown below is a brief summary of our major activities/accomplishments;…
The Chamber Is There for YOUR Business Many members are already very aware that District Court Judge Lance Timbreza handed down a decision in the Grand Valley Drainage District lawsuit brought by Mesa County and the Chamber in early June. The decision, which found that the Drainage District’s stormwater fee is in fact an impermissible…