LOCAL AND STATEWIDE BALLOT MEASURES PROPOSITION CC: This proposition would allow the state to retain the revenue it is currently required to refund under TABOR, eliminating the state’s revenue cap. All future excess revenue would instead be spent on K-12 education, higher education, and transportation. CHAMBER’S POSITION: VOTE NO. The ballot language for Proposition CC…

                        With three of the seven seats on the Grand Junction City Council up for election this spring and no incumbents running there is no doubt that the body will look very different after April 2nd. And decisions made by the Council, from planning…

The 2019 session of the Colorado General Assembly began on January 4th and will continue through May 3rd. Governor Polis has proposed an ambitious plan that includes all day kindergarten, universal health insurance and initiatives to curb the effects of climate change. The legislature has already introduced a number of bills to address health care…

As the voice of business for the Grand Junction area, the Grand Junction Chamber of Commerce has worked to represent business and promote economic growth since 1884.  The election will be held on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018.  Click here to view or download an electronic version of this Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce Voter…

  At the July Board of Directors meeting the Chamber passed a resolution in support of the lodging tax increase being proposed by the City of Grand Junction on the November ballot. Shown below is the full resolution adopted: Whereas the City of Grand Junction convened a working group of stakeholders in early 2017 to…

It is petition circulating time in Colorado and thanks to Amendment 71 Grand Junction will be seeing a number of petition gatherers in our area. Amendment 71, while still being challenged in the courts still dictates that signatures must be gathered statewide for Constitutional Amendments. Proposed changes to state statutes do not have the same…

The Chamber’s Annual Legislative Wrap Up, sponsored by Ireland Stapleton Pryor & Pascoe, PC was held this morning, Tuesday, May 22nd, 7:30 AM at the Clarion Inn. Local lawmakers shared their thoughts on how bills passed this session may impact businesses. Chamber members on the Governmental Affairs Committee have taken positions, as of press time,…

It has been a busy session so far in 2018 for the Chamber’s Governmental Affairs Committee with action taken on a number of bills of interest to business. Shown below are bills that the Chamber has engaged on as of February 20th: Chamber Supports: HB18-1004 Continue Child Care Contribution Tax Credit HB18-1022 DOR Department of…

The Chamber’s 25th Annual trip to the State Capitol will be on February 22-23, 2018 and will feature briefings with members of the Governor’s cabinet along with an informal dinner typically attended by up to one-third of the Colorado General Assembly. We wish to thank Title Sponsors Pinnacol Assurance and CenturyLink, Corporate Sponsors Brady Trucking…

The Colorado General Assembly convenes on January 12th and the Chamber is gearing up to be the voice of business at the State Capitol in 2018. Our video conference series which offers real-time opportunities to discuss issues with our state delegation begins January 16th and will be held at the Chamber offices in the lower…

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