As the voice of business for the Grand Junction area, the Grand Junction Chamber of Commerce has worked to represent business and promote economic growth since 1884.  The election will be held on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018.  Click here to view or download an electronic version of this Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce Voter…

On October 15th, registered voters will begin receiving their mail-in ballots. Long before that we will no doubt be tired of the political mailers, billboards, and media advertising. This year in particular, it seems that every board meeting since early summer we have wrangled with one or more of the fifteen ballot measures (state and…

At the September Board Meeting your Chamber directors appointed Michael Santo, Bechtel Santo & Severn to fill a vacancy on the board and elected the following individuals to begin four-year terms on the board beginning in January. Brian Davidson St. Mary’s Medical Center | SCL Health Ivan Geer River City Consultants Paul Petersen Mesa Mall…

  Proposition 112 is a statutory ballot measure that, if passed, will establish a 2,500 foot setback between new oil and gas development and occupied structures or other vulnerable areas. Our next Energy Briefing on October 17th, 12:00 PM at the DoubleTree Hotel will feature a point/counterpoint discussion of the merits of this proposal. Presenting…

The Grand Junction Area Chamber launched the third annual Creating a Bright Future! Campaign, on September 10. The Creating a Bright Future! 2018 Campaign will provide the Grand Junction area with a properly funded chamber of commerce capable of accomplishing key initiatives in the community. The Chamber is dedicated to workforce development, sound public policy,…

In hockey it’s called a hat trick. In terms of promoting economic development locally it is simply amazing! The Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce received a Bronze Excellence in Economic Development Award for its 2018 project in the category of Economic Development Week. This marks the third year in a row that the efforts…

The Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce will kick off its Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!) on Tuesday, October 9th with 10 students ranging in age from 11- 18 years old, with a keen drive to launch and run their own, real businesses. The after-school enrichment program attracts the best and brightest students who will receive…

  Mesa County became the first county in the state of Colorado to be certified a Work Ready Community by utilizing the Work Keys Assessment tool to determine the skill levels of our emerging and transitioning workforce along with our unemployed. This certification needs to be reapplied for every two years and we now need…

The Mesa County Board of Commissioners instituted a program to help encourage new and existing businesses to expand and invest in Mesa County. While it has only recently begun to be utilized, it has the potential to assist in growing businesses and jobs throughout the county.   What is it exactly? “It” is basically a…

Yes, we know the leaves are just beginning to turn and we have an entire holiday season to enjoy but planning is already underway for the 2019 Chamber Annual Banquet slated for January 25th! We invite our members to get involved in several ways: Join the Auction Committee and help us make the Chamber’s Auction…

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