From now through November 14th, more than 50 volunteers are tasked with raising $240,000 to fund quality programming, advocacy, business retention and expansion, and workforce development. To reach this goal, volunteers will be raising funds in several different ways which include memberships, event sponsorships, and initiatives. We would like to thank the following companies who…

Last month a new class of 11 young entrepreneurs, ranging in age from 11-18 years old, began their journey to become CEOs of their very own companies. We would like to recognize this year’s YEA! class and future CEOs: Lillian Bittle (Home Schooled) Toly Chinn (Redlands Middle School) Astreae White-Flint (Fruita 8-9) Samuel Grover (Central…

Will 2019 look more like 2017 or 2018? Find out on Monday, December 17th, 12:00 PM at the Mesa County Workforce Center. Sponsored by Title Sponsor: Bank of Colorado, Featured Sponsors: Shear, Inc. and Bray Real Estate. The speaker will be perennial favorite, Dr. Richard L. Wobbekind, Director of the Business Research Division and Associate…

  According to recent data from almost 83% of all businesses in the Grand Junction MSA have less than ten employees. One would think that we don’t need to be reminded to shop with these businesses this holiday season. But we do. Deloitte University is predicting that e-commerce sales will rise 17 to 19%…

As a business owner, manager, decision maker, your time is at a premium. Taking time to look above the stack of papers and problems to assess where your business is and where you want it to go often falls to the bottom of your “to do” list. Yet, for the good of your business future,…

As employers struggle to recruit, retain and train the workforce they need for today, many of them are also looking at the need to develop a talent pipeline. The demographics of the overall workforce will force businesses to be more creative and collaborative in developing our local talent. In Mesa County we already have a…

The Chamber’s Annual Banquet countdown has begun and we hope many of you are already planning to join us on January 25, 2019. Invitations will be sent the end of November and by then you will know what our fun theme will be. But we hope you don’t wait a whole month to jump onboard…

The Museums of Western Colorado and The Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce are pleased to announce that they will be honoring organizations, agricultural establishments and businesses that have served the Grand Valley area for at least 100 years. Criteria for recognition include: enterprises that started in Mesa County; enterprises that have operated in Mesa…

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