The Mesa County Business Education Foundation in association with School District 51 sponsors a program that requires little of your time but can make a world of difference and potentially change the life of a child. Each Wednesday afternoon beginning in October volunteers are needed to work one on one for about 40 minutes with…
Imagine if you could have taken a class and started your first business at the age of 13 or 17 rather than 25 or 35 or even 65! Where would that knowledge have taken you? That is what the Young Entrepreneurs Academy does for up to 24 lucky middle and high school students each year….
The Nominating Committee of the Chamber Board of Directors is currently in the process of selecting a slate of new proposed directors to present to the membership and current Chamber Board for approval. There are five slots on the Board currently up for election this fall. Those selected will be a cross section of the…
Summer is flying by, and in just two short months YEA! will be starting up again! The Young Entrepreneurs Academy, (YEA!) is an exciting program that empowers young people to take control of their futures, transforming students into CEOs of their very own business! Summer is flying by, and in just two short months YEA! will…
Got an hour a week for eight weeks that you could donate to a child with the potential for life changing results? That is all it takes to be part of the Read with a Child program. Conducted by School District 51 and sponsored by the Mesa County Business Education Foundation, Read with a Child…
From April 1st to June 30th the Chamber was heavily engaged in helping create a stronger economy and being the voice of local business. Activities ranged from workforce development to business advocacy to aligning economic development efforts around an existing economic powerhouse that is also integral to workforce development. Highlights of the past three months…
Community Businesses: Stronger Together Looking back on what the Chamber has accomplished during the first half of 2017, one thing is abundantly clear: our business community is stronger TOGETHER. The Chamber—and indeed the broader business community in our area—are overwhelmingly composed of locally owned small businesses. Our business owners are justifiably proud of what they…
After hearing from the business community multiple ideas of how we can work together to reach a college enrollment of 15,000 students and a community support base of 5,000 people, leadership at the Chamber and Colorado Mesa University have formed the following committees and established initial priorities. They are: STUDENT RECRUITMENT John Marshall (CMU) and…
Do you have a budding entrepreneur sitting at home this summer plotting how to be the next Bill Gates or using your backyard to build a rocket? If so, you may want to point them toward applying for the Young Entrepreneurs Academy. Applications from middle and high school students interested in being the CEOs of…
As this newsletter is being printed, parties on both sides of the dispute regarding the Grand Valley Drainage District levying of a fee on all residents and businesses within its boundaries are preparing for trial. Judge Timbreza on May 17th, executed a court order denying the GVDD request and the Chamber/Mesa County response and request…