On a beautiful blue-sky day at the Golf Club at Redlands Mesa, the Grand Junction Area Chamber proudly welcomed 20 new graduates into it’s distinguished alumni for the Mesa County Leadership Program. Those graduating had completed close to 100 hours of class time studying community issues and learning how to become involved at the state…

As I was thinking about what to write for this Chairman Column it hit me between the eyes…the year is HALF OVER! Heck, soon it will be time to pick the theme for the 2020 Annual Banquet! It might also be time to take a look back at where we’ve come in the past six…

The Nominating Committee of the Chamber Board of Directors is currently in the process of selecting a slate of new proposed directors to present to the membership and current Chamber Board for approval. There are five slots on the Board currently up for election this fall. Those selected will be a cross-section of the community…
YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS ACADEMY (YEA!) INFORMATION NIGHT Do you know a middle school or high school student who is interested in creating, pitching and launching their very own business? We’re hosting a YEA! Information Session for students interested in applying for the YEA! Class of 2020! WHAT: Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!) Information Session for students in…
Let us be your “Voice of Business” As a business owner, we know you’re busy and that you may not have time to monitor every legislative or regulatory change that may affect your business or the way you do businesses. That is why your Chamber membership includes your own team of supporters, ready to advocate…
The Chamber Energy Briefing Series will present a line up of speakers on the various aspects of energy and energy development beginning in August thanks to Title Sponsors Shear, Inc, and Atlasta Solar. Shown below is the tentative agenda which may change based on speaker availability. We hope you can join us for these informative…
The City of Grand Junction is seeking public input with regards to how the City should grow and develop over the next 15 to 20 years, as a part of their updating to the 2010 Comprehensive Plan. The City is hosting a Visioning Workshop on Tuesday, July 16th, 6:00 PM at The Historic Avalon Theatre….

Year four of the GJ chamber’s Total Resource Campaign (TRC) branded “Creating a Bright Future” will kick off in early September and we hope you will be part of it! The concept is simple. Major initiatives and sponsorship opportunities for 2020 will be presented to members and potential members over a ten-week period by an…

New apprentices participated in CareerWise Bootcamp Training on June 10-11 with excellent participation from apprentices, as well as business and community partners. Returning apprentices also polished up their professional skills at Rebootcamp on June 11. Apprentices took part in the information packed Bootcamp and Rebootcamp programs, covering a wide range of topics to gear them…
As an organization, we worked hard during the legislative session with lawmakers to try and create a destination sourcing sales tax system that small retailers could actually comply with. The compromise reached is not perfect but does offer some relief. To avoid confusion and the possibility of misinformation about this complex rule that is further…