The Mesa County Board of Commissioners instituted a program to help encourage new and existing businesses to expand and invest in Mesa County. While it has only recently begun to be utilized, it has the potential to assist in growing businesses and jobs throughout the county. What is it exactly? “It” is basically a…
Through our extensive efforts on identifying the needs and problems our local businesses face, we are able to adapt assistance strategies while supporting very specific needs. These efforts are paying big dividends for our business community and citizen partners. Over 80 visits have been conducted to date in 2018 with assistance projects ranging from connection…
At the June Quarterly Membership Meeting, six companies were recognized for creating four new jobs and investing over $700,000 into the local economy. So far in 2018, the Chamber recognized three companies for creating over 89 jobs and investing over $8.9 million in the Grand Valley. Those recognized most recently are: Retirement Outfitters, LLC Barbara…
In rural communities such as ours, it takes everyone rowing in the same direction to accomplish significant tasks, which alone one person may not be able to pull off. Community and Economic Development is conducted by community members, all of us. It is a process where local people can not only create more jobs, income…
At the December Quarterly Membership Meeting, seven companies were recognized for creating 176 new jobs and investing over $28 million into the local economy. There were several other companies that had expansions but chose to wait until March 2018 to be recognized. Altogether in 2017, the Chamber recognized 26 companies for creating over 250 jobs and…
The End of 2017—Already?! Time flies, doesn’t it? The 18th century Irish novelist Laurence Stern once wrote that “Time wastes too fast: every letter I trace tells me with what rapidity life follows my pen. The days and hours of it are flying over our heads like clouds of a windy day never to return…
According to recent data from, almost 83% of all businesses in the Grand Junction MSA have less than ten employees. One would think that we don’t need to be reminded to shop with these businesses this holiday season, but we do. Deloitte University is predicting that e-commerce sales will rise 17 to 19% from…
The Grand Junction Area ED Partners received a Bronze Excellence in Economic Development Award for its 2017 project in the category of Economic Development Week. This marks the second year in a row that the efforts of ED Partners have been recognized by the International Economic Development Council, a non-profit, non-partisan membership organization serving economic…
At the third quarter membership luncheon the following businesses were recognized for adding jobs and capital investment to make our local economy stronger: Click here to download full version of the Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce October 2017 Newsletter.
The following companies recently invested in the Chamber, demonstrating strong support of the Chamber’s efforts to grow the region’s economy. A Clean & Simple Laundry 2648 Patterson Rd Grand Junction, CO 81506 Tanya Giard – (970) 433-7809 Laundry Gelu Italian Ice LLC 300 Main St Ste 201 Grand Junction, CO 81501 Karin R. Gookin…