What is the Chamber good for? We often get asked that question by businesses contemplating becoming members. Primary research conducted at the direction of the Western Association of Chamber Executives several years ago demonstrated that businesses look to their local chambers of commerce to engage in five key areas aimed at helping their individual businesses…

As part of the 10-month Mesa County Leadership Program, 24 attendees spent the day learning about the partnerships in our community that are responsible for Economic Development Economic Development doesn’t happen due to the efforts of one organization or group. Particpants in the Mesa County Leadership Program found out first-hand that it truly “takes a…

According to Dr. Richard Wobbekind, head of the Business Research Division in the Leeds School of Business, Colorado University, “The Mesa County economy is performing extremely well.” Insights into why the economy is stronger and what the economy may look like in 2019 were presented at the Chamber’s Annual Economic Outlook luncheon in December. With…

Our efforts for business are not just a façade, we listen, we gather information, and we ACT! Over the last three years of business visits to many local companies, one thing has become apparent; shipping in and out of the Grand Valley is an obstacle we must overcome. Many businesses watch their important raw materials…

In hockey it’s called a hat trick. In terms of promoting economic development locally it is simply amazing! The Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce received a Bronze Excellence in Economic Development Award for its 2018 project in the category of Economic Development Week. This marks the third year in a row that the efforts…

The Mesa County Board of Commissioners instituted a program almost four years ago to help encourage new and existing businesses to expand and invest in Mesa County. While it has only recently begun to be utilized, it has the potential to assist in growing businesses and jobs throughout the county. What is it exactly? “It”…

Through our extensive efforts on identifying the needs and problems our local businesses face, we are able to adapt assistance strategies while supporting very specific needs. These efforts are paying big dividends for our business community and citizen partners. Over 80 visits have been conducted to date in 2018 with assistance projects ranging from connection…

At the June Quarterly Membership Meeting, six companies were recognized for creating four new jobs and investing over $700,000 into the local economy. So far in 2018, the Chamber recognized three companies for creating over 89 jobs and investing over $8.9 million in the Grand Valley. Those recognized most recently are: Retirement Outfitters, LLC Barbara…

In rural communities such as ours, it takes everyone rowing in the same direction to accomplish significant tasks, which alone one person may not be able to pull off. Community and Economic Development is conducted by community members, all of us. It is a process where local people can not only create more jobs, income…

At the December Quarterly Membership Meeting, seven companies were recognized for creating 176 new jobs and investing over $28 million into the local economy. There were several other companies that had expansions but chose to wait until March 2018 to be recognized. Altogether in 2017, the Chamber recognized 26 companies for creating over 250 jobs and…

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