In September 2019, 22 up-and-coming leaders in our business community made the commitment to attend and complete our annual Mesa County Leadership Program. Consisting of 1 full-day class each month for the next 10 months, these participants learned details about our community including how we get our water, how our local government is setup, and…

The State of the Valley, the annual event where local government leaders provide an update the to the business community and answer questions was postponed from May to August 18th at 12:00 PM. While there was hope that the event could be held in person the reality is that with COVID cases continuing to rise, prudence…

We at the Grand Junction Area Chamber are constantly seeking ways to help the businesses of the Grand Valley thrive. This quest for delivering viable business information and resources has only compounded in our current times of COVID-19 and the ever-changing landscape within it for small businesses. It is with those challenges in mind that…

If there is one thing we can all agree on in this community it is that being in business in 2020 is like standing on quicksand. From stay at home orders, to the payroll protection program, to mask mandates, our world can literally change in the blink of an eye. Because things are moving and…

In 2017 the Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce recognized a gigantic need in our community for a shipping and logistics facility. It was a need heard far and wide in the community over a number of years. A strategic partnership with the Grand Junction Chamber was quickly forged and Rocky Mountain Rail & Storage…

I recently heard a comment in passing that the Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce only covers businesses in Grand Junction. I thought it was a pretty odd thing to say considering our official name clearly includes the word AREA. And, frankly, I was somewhat offended that anyone would think our focus was so narrow…

Jon Rynn, author of the book Manufacturing Green Prosperity: The power to rebuild the American middle Class, wrote for the Roosevelt Institute 6 key reasons that explain why manufacturing is central to having a thriving local economy. Manufacturing has been the path to development. Many see the creation of a high-quality manufacturing sector as a…

Bob Dylan’s song, ‘The Times They Are A-Changin’, couldn’t more accurately describe how our local economy is handling the gradual path towards normal operations. The recent pandemic has forced everyone to reevaluate daily operations in hopes to find a balance between commerce and public safety, and business owners have been quick to learn they must…

On May 15, Governor Jared Polis issued Executive Order D 2020 065, which suspends a number of laws related to signature collection, ballot qualification and elections and orders the Secretary of State’s Office to develop rules for electronic and mail signature gathering. The Grand Junction Chamber Board of Directors at the May meeting affirmed that our…

Grand Junction Business Stabilization and Recovery Fund Established by the City of Grand Junction On May 6, 2020, the City of Grand Junction established the Grand Junction Business Stabilization and Recovery Fund to support businesses impacted by COVID-19. Loans will be equal to the lesser of 50% of two-months of Approved Uses (see below) or $7,500 maximum. The fund…

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